Materiaprima Capers in Salt 1kg


Materiaprima Capers in Salt 1kg, made especially for Lario

These Sicilian Salted Capers are large 8-9 calibre and deliciously pungent. The little buds are beautifully crunchy and cured in salt. Just rinse and use.
Sicilian capers are less peppery and have a far fruitier and flowery taste than capers from other parts of the Mediterranean.
The remaining salt can also be re-used in your kitchen to cure fish or meats infusing them with the wonderful fruity flavour of our Sicilian Capers.
The capers come in a 1 kg re-sealable bucket
Simplest Pasta with Tomato and Capers (6)
  • 500g dried linguine
  • olive oil
  • 550g Lario organic tomato sauce
  • 6 tablespoons capers
  • 1 lemon
  • Parmesan cheese
  1. Cook the pasta to your liking, according to the packet instructions.
  2. Meanwhile, drizzle 2-3 Tablespoons oil into a medium saucepan over a medium heat, add the tomato passata and capers (rinsed), then finely grate in half the lemon’s zest. Simmer for 5 to 7 minutes, then check the seasoning
  3. Toss the pasta in the sauce and coat then grate over extra lemon zest, parmesan and some chopped parsley or basil.

186 in stock

Weight 1.2 kg

